Not long after Taiwan’s Recovery, legend has it that there was a large leaved fig tree which had a trunk that required five people with open arms to embrace. Throughout the year, birds such as Chinese bulbul, Japanese White-eye etc. feed off the fig tree’s fruits, hence the tree was named Bird Fig Tree by the locals. Since the Taiwanese pronunciation of “Rong” is similar to “Song”, and furthermore travelers and merchants often rested and cooled off under the tree, hence the name Niaosongjiao (Taiwanese). After the Recovery, it was changed to Niaosong Village. The Niaosong old tree was located near the Niaosong Elementary School, now it has withered and died. The remaining tree next to the roadside fence by Fulong Temple was its 4th generation descendant . Total area of the village: 9.5928km2. |
The village used to be a thriving open country in ancient times, trees covered the entire village, making it difficult to find for outsiders; anyone who entered without being guided was like being lost in the dream and had difficulty getting out, hence the name Mengli Village (Dream Village). Area: 3.6875 km2 |
The word Di is pronounced Lan in Taiwanese, it is a word composed of water and earth; the origin of the name was due to the soft , loose soil and muddy wetlands of the local terrain. When the early inhabitants attempted to plough the land, their legs were often stuck in the earth and were difficult to remove, thus the name Dibu Village. Area: 3.1 km2. |
When the early inhabitants of the village arrived here to develop the land, they saw abundant growth of tall and large thorny bamboos (called Dajhu) in the mountain and valley, therefore the place was named Dajhu. Area: 3.2 km2. |
In 1946, Dabi and Shanzihjiao were amalgamated, hence the name was inspired by the meaning of “Great China”. Area: 1.4758 km2 |
Derived the name from the Analects of Confucius “One shall live in an area of benevolence” , the objective is to create a community of greater love. Area: 3.068 km2 |
In April 1982, Renmei Village was further divided to create Huamei Village, derived from the Beauty of China, the name hopes to endow the village with greatness and beauty. Area: 5 km2. |